Monday, July 18, 2011

Toast a glass of veggies to your health!

Pictured to the left is our new juicer! We were inspired to make this purchase after spending Saturday afternoon watching the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Despite its terrible name, the film is very encouraging and it really highlights some of the health problems we face as Americans due to our diet. Although Farmer Brent and I consume our fair share of veggies already, we can always find room for improvement. Our first juicing attempt consisted of the fruits and veggies that we had on hand in the fridge. This explains how we ended up with cucumber/tomato/bell pepper/watermelon juice. It isn't a flavor combination that we would highly recommend, but it was interesting and fun to make. The gentleman in the documentary goes on a 60 day juice fast to lose weight and relieve the symptoms of a chronic auto-immune disease. Brent and I are not that ambitious; we just want to supplement our diet with fresh and flavorful fruits and veggies in an easy to carry format. If there are any experienced juicers out there, let your voice be heard! We'd love to hear some successful juicing stories and share recipes.


  1. Hello and meow! I work long hours outside in the city and have found that cold juiced watermelon divided and cooled in single servings is wonderful! I use my juicer and bullet blender to the max. Have you tried adding some of these new, organic baby foods that come on a pouch with juice and ice to make a quick smoothie? Oh and don't forget about beets! Love Libby

  2. Holy Hilariousness! I just had the exact same experience. I watched the doco last week and have been slowly adding fresh veggie juice into my diet, daily. And have been pricing juicers. I am/was seriously inspired!.
    So, this morning, Tucker sends me an email with a link to this and says, "check out this blog post. You are the same person."
    hee hee! Can't wait to see ya'll and juice it up together. :) xoxo Nina
